EYBA Code of Conduct

This code of conduct had been developed to protect and support the EYBA, players, coaches, managers, responsible adults, parents, board members and executive members. This Code is intended to guide the behavior of all players, coaches, managers, responsible adults, parents, board members and executive members in support of the EYBA rules of play, by-laws, policies and procedures and the following values -teamwork, leadership, good sportsmanship, coach and player development and enjoyment

6.1 Player

6.1.1. As a player I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me and I will show them respect, play by the rules and in the spirit of the game

6.1.2. As a player I will not make or communicate (through email or any other social media) offensive, abusive or insulting remarks toward any other persons.

6.1.3 As a player I will show good sportsmanship, remember that winning isn’t everything and I will acknowledge all good plays/performances - those of my team and of my opponents.

6.1.4. As a player I will not use illegal substances, tobacco or alcohol products

6.1.5. As a player I will control my temper and recognize that fighting and “mouthing off” can spoil the activity for everyone.

6.1.6. As a player I will act in a respectful manner and not use bad or vulgar verbal or body language and;

6.1.7. Do my best to be a true team player and consistently display high standards of behavior.

6.2. Parent/Guardian

6.2.1. A parent’s expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards other players, officials, managers, coaches and other parents.

6.2.2. As a parent I will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, never condone violations of the rules of the game or exhibit behavior contrary to the spirit of the rules of the game.

6.2.3. As a parent I will place the wellbeing and safety of each player above all considerations.

6.2.4. As a parent I will not make abusive remarks to any official, player, coach, manager, responsible adult, volunteer or league administrative personnel.

6.2.5. As a parent I will respect and show appreciation for the trained volunteers, coaches, officials, managers and trainers and remember that children learn best by example; and

6.2.6. Be responsible in ensuring attending guests also abide by the Code of Conduct.

6.2.7. As a parent with a complaint I agree To respect the formal process of submitting complaints; through the appropriate channels, as identified by my respective association; and, That my respective association is the first point of contact regarding any formal complaints.

6.3 Coach/Manager/Responsible Adult

6.3.1. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, you will be in a position of great responsibility in the development of children and the attitudes and behaviors you exhibit will set the tone for the players and parents you work with.

6.3.2. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will treat other coaches, managers, responsible adults, players and referees and parents with respect and exhibit good sportsmanship at all times

6.3.3. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will place the wellbeing and safety of each player above all considerations

6.3.4 . As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will abide by the rules of the game and exhibit appropriate behavior on the court.

6.3.5. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will respect and show appreciation for the trained volunteers, officials, managers and trainers and remember that children learn best by example

6.3.6. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will strive to take advantage of additional opportunities for training and education to maintain and enhance my skills as a basketball coach.

6.3.7. As a Coach, Manager, Responsible Adult, I will not use any widespread social media communication channels to communicate any conflict, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from EYBA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.

6.4 EYBA Board Members

6.4.1. As a EYBA Board Member I commit to not only representing my Zone but also respecting and advancing the league’s mandate and maintain the principles, integrity and dignity of the Edmonton Youth Basketball Association (EYBA).

6.4.2. As a board member I will prepare in advance of meetings and be familiar with issues on the agenda.

6.4.3. As a board member I will fully participate in meetings while demonstrating respect, kindness, consideration and courtesy to others.

6.4.4. As a board member I will respect and adhere to the rules, policies, procedures and bylaws of the EYBA.

6.4.5. As a board member I will accept the responsibility to ensure that the association (s) I represent are informed of EYBA activities

6.4.6. As a board member I will not use any widespread media communication channels to communicate any conflicts, debates, or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from EYBA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.

6.4.7. As a board member I will not use my status or position with the EYBA to influence or gain a benefit or advantage for myself, my family or others with whom I have a significant personal or business relationship.

6.5 EYBA Executive Member

6.5.1. As an executive member I commit to respecting and advancing the league’s mandate and maintain the principles, integrity and dignity of the Edmonton Youth Basketball Association (EYBA)

6.5.2. As an executive member I will strive to be prepared and present for all board and executive meetings, representing the position to which I was elected.

6.5.3. As an executive member I will respect and adhere to the rules, policies, procedures

and bylaws of the EYBA.

6.5.4. As an execute member I will show respect for the concerns, opinions, and questions presented to me by board members and do my best to follow up in a timely manner.

6.5.5. As an executive member I will exhibit a willingness to sit on committees or chair committees that pertain to the responsibilities inherent to my position on the Executive.

6.5.6. As an executive member I will remove any personal bias of personal team affiliation during all board discuss ions, approach contentious issues with sensitivity and tact and place the interests of the EYBA above my own private interests.

6.5.7. As an executive member I will not use any wide spread media communication channels to communicate any conflicts, debates or confidential issues, recognizing that mass communication methods can detract from EYBA’s ability to resolve issues and disputes in a timely, equitable and professional fashion.

6.5.8. As an executive member I will note use my status or position with the EYBA to influence or gain a benefit or advantage for myself, my family or others with whom I have a significant personal or business relationship.

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